It has been a crazy month and the insanity continues this month! We have our own "March Madness" going on at the Taylor house...three of our four kids have birthdays this month! Note to self: Do NOT vacation in June!!! Hence the background change on my blog...we are partying it up here with lots and lots of cake!!! There have been some things that I have made though that haven't made it to the blog, so enjoy!!!
Last weekend, I had a weekend crop where I set up a table and we did make and takes...it was a lot of fun! It was most of the day Friday and all day Saturday! Then Sunday my upline organized a fundraiser for one of our sister demos fighting breast cancer and I was a helper! It was a fabulous event and we raised over $3200 for her!!! I know that she was very grateful and this will help her family out tremendously!
So I will try to keep my posts at once a week, but who knows what will happen this month??? Maybe I will just posts lots of birthday cards to keep in theme with the month!!!
Have a great week!