Friday, November 21, 2008

Did you see it?

I did! It totally ROCKED!!! Went today with my friend and going tomorrow with my family! Go see it! So, no cards today! Enjoy the pics!


Melissa Sauls said...

Ok...I seriously need to buy this book. EVERYBODY has read it but me!! lol

Rachel Brumley said...

My daughter has read all the books and wants to see it.

We will probably go after the crowds die down.

Anonymous said...

My daughter saw it (she's read all the books) and loved it! I teach middle school and I know so many of my students went to see it, too.

thescrapmaster said...

I gotta read the book first!


Amy J said...

Joining the gotta read the book first club! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

Sam Woodruff said...

Yes I did and I thought the movie butchered the book...But Edward sure is cute!